- object
object, objective nouns.
Both words have the meaning ‘something sought or aimed at’ and in practice they are often interchangeable, although object is more common when followed by a qualifying construction, e.g. one with in or of (and is exclusively used in the expression object of the exercise):
• Its report is a living document which…will gradually influence public opinion. That was the object of the exercise —Spectator, 1958
• His main objective was to pile up a huge personal fortune —Saul Bellow, 1987.
object verb.
The stress is on the second syllable (ǝb-jekt), and the word is often followed by to + noun (which can also be a verbal noun):
• Would the lady object to my lighting a pair of candles? —Dickens, 1865
• He also objected strongly to what he called your jack-boot methods when you interviewed Mrs Hurd —R. Simons, 1968
• I have never smoked and I object to being poisoned by other people's indulgence —Liverpool Echo, 1993.
The same construction is used with the noun objection:
• We have no objection at all to helping in what she calls her ‘psychological warfare’ —M. Babson, 1974.
Modern English usage.
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Object — may refer to: Object (philosophy), a thing, being or concept Entity, something that is tangible and within the grasp of the senses As used in object relations theories of psychoanalysis, that to which a subject relates. Object (grammar), a… … Wikipedia
Object — Ob ject ([o^]b j[e^]kt), n. [L. objectus. See {Object}, v. t.] 1. That which is put, or which may be regarded as put, in the way of some of the senses; something visible or tangible and persists for an appreciable time; as, he observed an object… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
object — ob·ject 1 / äb jikt/ n 1: something toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed see also natural object 2: the purpose or goal of something; esp in the civil law of Louisiana: the purpose for which a contract or obligation is formed… … Law dictionary
Object-Z — is an object oriented extension to the Z notation developed at the University of Queensland, Australia. Object Z extends Z by the addition of language constructs resembling the object oriented paradigm, most notably, classes. Other object… … Wikipedia
Object 47 — Studio album by Wire Released July 7th 2008 … Wikipedia
object — [äb′jikt, äbjekt; ] for v. [ əb jekt′, äbjekt′] n. [ME < ML objectum, something thrown in the way < L objectus, a casting before, that which appears, orig. pp. of objicere < ob (see OB ) + jacere, to throw: see JET1] 1. a thing that can… … English World dictionary
Object — Ob*ject ([o^]b*j[e^]kt ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Objected}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Objecting}.] [L. objectus, p. p. of objicere, obicere, to throw or put before, to oppose; ob (see {Ob }) + jacere to throw: cf. objecter. See {Jet} a shooting forth.] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
object# — object n 1 *thing, article Analogous words: *affair, concern, matter, thing: *form, figure, shape, configuration 2 objective, goal, end, aim, design, purpose, *intention, intent Analogous words: * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Object V — EP by Leaether Strip Released 1991 … Wikipedia
object — the noun [14] and object the verb [15] have diverged considerably over the centuries, but they come from the same ultimate source: Latin obicere. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix ob ‘towards’ and jacere ‘throw’ (source of English… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins